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Research & Knowledge Exchange Fund (RAKE) 2017 Call 

Call for Research Proposal Funding Bids - Addressing Practice in Entrepreneurship

 The Entrepreneurship Studies Network (ESN),  SIG of the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), is pleased to announce the 2017 ISBE/ESN RAKE Research Call for Bids up to £5000 which investigate Addressing Practice in Entrepreneurship. The closing date for bids is Friday 19th May


This call is led by ISBE and the Entrepreneurship Studies Network. The ISBE Entrepreneurship Studies Network is committed to supporting experimental and novel approaches that advance understanding of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and its real-life practices, contexts and impacts. We are passionate about developing a creative space through which researchers, practitioners, educators and policy-makers can jointly enrich our understanding of entrepreneurial action. 

For more information about the Entrepreneurship Studies Network, please visit:


One of the core areas of interest for ESN is practice and practice theories. This has led to the formation of the Entrepreneurship-as-Practice group aims to build a community of likeminded scholars that employ practice theories to further advance entrepreneurship studies. This community aims to demonstrate how different practice theories can be used to answer new questions, shine new light on classic entrepreneurship questions, and introduce novel methodologies to the field. In doing so, we wish to bridge the divide between practitioners and scholars in order to engage in a more mutually beneficial dialogue


Access more information about the Entrepreneurship-as-Practice interest group here.


CALL FOR BIDS (19 May 2017) - Addressing Practice in Entrepreneurship


What do entrepreneurs actually do, and how do they do it? And how can entrepreneurship research become better at developing appropriate concepts and vocabularies to explain practice? This call seeks applications which unite, exhibit and bring to the fore, the principal social practice argument in entrepreneurship studies. Entrepreneurship practices are habitual, socially situated and organized human activities for which entrepreneurship practitioners use specific skills and tools (Bourdieu, 1990; Schatzki, 2001:2). Following the suggestions of the promising application of practice theory as an area for entrepreneurship research (Steyaert, 2007; Johannisson, 2011; Watson, 2013), a contemporary practice understanding of entrepreneurship is in the making.


We invite applications which clarify and emphasize, the question of how individual entrepreneurship practices relate to (the) ‘organizing context’ and capture those mechanisms by which collective support for entrepreneurship may be mobilized (Johannisson, 2011). By integrating practice theories into entrepreneurship studies applications may also bring the influential ‘who’ and ‘what’ questions (Gartner, 1987) into long standing questions of ‘how’, ‘where’ and ‘why’ questions in entrepreneurship.

Proposals that explore these issues, and can be applied to develop our understanding of entrepreneurship and/or small and medium sized businesses are welcomed. Innovative applications will be encouraged.


Potential submissions might consider (but are not limited to):

  • What is the nature of entrepreneurship practices and how do they come about?

  • How do entrepreneurship practices evolve over time?

  • What (f)actors influence the (re)configuration of entrepreneurship practices?

  • How do entrepreneurship practices relate to entrepreneurial behaviour and skills?

  • How and why do practices relate to entrepreneurship practitioners’ functioning and performativity?

  • How and why do entrepreneurship practitioners (individual and/or collective) enact decision-making, timing, work strategies and behaviors in, and across, practices?

  • How and why do specific contexts influence the shaping and enacting of entrepreneurship practices?

  • Applications which employ novel theoretical and/or methodological approaches to study entrepreneurship through a practice perspective.


All proposals must clearly demonstrate and describe relevance to the notion of practice theory as applied to entrepreneurship and related to the context of the bid. Applications should clearly establish the relevance of their proposal to the focus of the bid, identify the data collection and dissemination process.


For this round of funding, we are awarding one grant of £5,000. These will not support full economic costing given ISBE’s position as a registered charity. Applications for smaller, seed corn funds would not be discounted however; we will not consider bids which:

  1. Exceed £5,000 

  2. Exceed 1200 words in total (including references/notes/tables/appendices)

  3. Appear to be funding postgraduate students course of study

  4. Are skewed towards funding conference attendance and travel.


Successful grant holders will be required to fulfil the following conditions:

  • To be in membership of ISBE for the duration of the award

  • To present their work at the 2018 ISBE conference following receipt of their award.

  • To complete a final project report within 12 months of confirmation of the award.

  • To complete the entire research project within 12 months of confirmation of the

  • Make findings available on the ESRC’s website.

  • To recognise the ISBE RAKE fund in any presentations or publications arising from an award.

  • To report to the RAKE fund management board on request to discuss research


Please note failure to meet any of the above conditions will results in non-payment of the RAKE grant.


For further enquiries about the call please contact:


Please click here for further information and to download the application form, The closing date for bids is Friday 19th May

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