Online EAP Symposium - October 24, 2024
​This one-day symposium is designed for anyone interested in practice theories and their usefulness in entrepreneurship studies. Whether you are an early career scholar or a seasoned scholar curious about how practice theories can inform your entrepreneurship research, this symposium is for you. We especially welcome participants that typically cannot attend the in-person annual conference in the spring and newcomers to the research community to ease into the language and concepts of practice theory.
The programme includes a keynote presentation by Dr. Thomas Cyron, a discussion on publishing articles with Dr. Sara Elias, and a Paper Development Workshop. You will ‘meet’ leading scholars in the Entrepreneurship-as-Practice field, gain inclusive ‘behind the scenes’ insights into the process of drafting and publishing a practice theory paper, and receive feedback on your own research ideas in preparation for the annual Entrepreneurship-as-Practice conference in spring 2025.
Participants will have the additional opportunity to gain feedback on their ideas in a Paper Development Workshop (PDW). Participation in the PDW is not mandatory to join the rest of the Symposium. A PDW is designed to help you develop your ideas and assist in preparing an extended abstract for the annual conference or for publication. This workshop is open to all Symposium participants. Those who want to receive feedback, should submit an abstract for feedback by others in the group, and in turn, you will be asked to give feedback on another person’s submission. The extended abstract should be no more than 500 words (excluding references), outlining your ideas, research question, methods, and preliminary findings and discussion. If you are accepted into the PDW, you are required to provide feedback on other’s papers, which will share with all participants prior to the Symposium. Each group will include one experienced EAP scholar.
Submission of extended abstract for PDW (optional) - 1 October 2024
Deadline for registration - 20 October
Online Symposium - 24 October (10:00 - 16:00 CET)
We operate on a non-profit model, and all costs associated go to hosting website and any costs associated with the online symposium. The costs of the online symposium are 25 Euros.
To register and pay costs, please see this link.
10.00 - 10.15 Introductions
10.15 - 11.15 Educational presentation by Thomas Cyron and Q&A. What are practice theories? How do they apply to entrepreneurship studies?
11.15 - 11.30 Break
11.30 - 12.30 Paper presentation: Dr. Sara Elias will talk about a recent published article and answer questions about researching, writing and publishing.
12.30 - 13.00 Breakout to discuss the paper with online groups
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch break
14.00 - 16.00 Paper Development Workshop on extended abstracts; small groups give feedback and suggestions on each other’s extended abstracts. Each group will include one experienced EAP scholar.
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