Following a busy summer of organizing, reading, writing and publishing, I'd like to take a moment to update everyone on what's new in the Entrepreneurship as Practice community.
First, we had a great turnout to the PDW at Academy of Management conference 2017 with 85 people joining our session (even though it was at 8am!). The PDW covered the topic of "How" of entrepreneurship, that included several scholars doing 5 minute pitches about different perspective of researching the doing of entrepreneurship, including practice theory. This PDW was followed up with a morning meet and greet breakfast with the great people at Strategy as Practice (Rebecca Bednarek co-organized). This has led to the possibility of research cross-overs going both ways, as well as future co-organized events at Academy 2018.
Second, we have been accepted for another Special Issue at International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research. The journal now has an impact factor, and we are looking forward to this opportunity. Information is still being organized and dates being set, but submissions will be due in 2018.
Third, we only have 10 more days until the submissions to SI in Entrepreneurship and Regional Development are due, so looking forward to all the amazing work that will be coming in.
Finally, we are organizing the 3rd EAP conference being held in Sweden April 2018. Please see the website for more information, but this conference will be really developmental with pitches, round table paper development and some great keynote speakers. If you are a PhD or junior scholar, this is a great opportunity to join and learn about what EAP entails.
Kind regards,
Neil Thompson