EURAM Conference in Glasgow, Scotland
Call for Papers
We have a track accepted to the 2017 European Academy of Management Conference being held at Strathclyde University in Glasgow, Scotland June 21-24. The special track is called 'Entrepreneurship as Practice' in the Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group (SIG). The track aims to further develop practice based papers for submission to journals. We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming deadline for the submission of Call For Papers. The deadline for submission is 10 January 2017 - 2 pm Belgian time. More detailed information below:
Taking a lead from the highly popular ‘practice turns’ in research fields such as strategy and organization studies, this track reflects the growing community of entrepreneurship scholars addressing the everyday unfolding of ‘entrepreneuring’ - where ‘even the seemingly trivial activities of everyday life have great capacity to move us in new and unexpected directions’ (Boutaiba, 2004: 24). These scholars aim to extend entrepreneurship studies by turning from the seminal ‘what’ question in entrepreneurship into a ‘how’ question through creation of strong links to practice theory (Bourdieau; Giddens; de Certeau; Schatzki). While scholars recognize the centrality of human action in the creation of value within their own local contexts: how context, behavioral inclinations, and organizing practices conjugate into every-day - “entrepreneurship as practice” - remains implicit, or at least, fades into the background in most empirical studies of entrepreneurship. A practice approach understands chains of detailed, everyday organizational actions and interactions as “sets of material activities that are fundamentally interpenetrated and shaped by broader cultural frameworks” (Lounsbury & Crumley, 2008: 996). Understanding entrepreneurship necessitates the incorporation of a social practice perspective that moves beyond contextualizing within macro or micro research approaches. Practice theory relies on the general principle of consequentiality: the critical relationship between specific instances of human’s situated action and the social world in which the action takes place (Feldman & Orlikowski, 2011:1241). While classic “theorists of practice” (e.g. Bourdieu, 1990; Giddens, 1979) have emphasized the habitual, repetitive and taken for granted role of human practice, practice researchers focus on those micro actions that reflect people’s understandings of “how to get things done” in complex settings (Orlikowski, 2002: 249). The promising application of practice theory to entrepreneurship (Steyaert, 2007; Johannisson, 2011) has led to a community of researchers shining new light on the process of entrepreneurship. This track aims to connect entrepreneurship scholars to an emerging practice approach in the social sciences, which is interested in the activity patterns that constitute daily entrepreneurial life.​
>> To submit your paper, visit the EURAM conference site here.